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王春华,女,汉族,中共党员。湖南农业大学校聘教授、蔬菜学科硕士研究生导师。主要从事黄瓜株型与高光效基因的挖掘和作用机制解析。入选湖南省杰青和湖湘青年科技创新人才。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项、重点研发计划子课题1项;授权发明专利4项;兼任学术期刊Vegetable Research青年编委、中国园艺学会青年分会理事。目前已累计发表SCI学术科研论文20余篇;以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在PNASPlantbiotechnology journalPlant PhysiologyPlant Journal等农业/生命科学领域学术期刊上发表研究论文13篇;受邀为Plant PhysiologyHorticulture Research等学术期刊审稿。


2023.01-至今     湖南农业大学,园艺学院蔬菜系,校聘教授

2022.01-2022.12  湖南农业大学,园艺学院蔬菜系,讲师

2018.01-2021.12  福建农林大学海峡联合研究院,博士后

2011.09-2017.12  东北农业大学,蔬菜学,博士

2007.09-2011.06  东北农业大学,园艺学,学士


·Vegetable Research青年编委












[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 32372700,黄瓜果把长度调控基因鉴定与作用机制解析, 2024-2027

[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 32211540386, CsACO基因介导黄瓜果实刺瘤形成分子机制研究,2022-2024

[3]国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 32100293, BR信号通过拮抗SHR功能时空决定根木质化的机制研究, 2022-2024

[4]中华人共和国科学技术部,重点研发计划子课题, 2023YFD1201503,黄瓜优质多抗新种质创制与应用, 2023-2028

[5]湖南省科学技术厅,自然科学基金杰出青年项目, 2023JJ10021, CsMYB36介导的黄瓜果把长度调控网络研究, 2023-2025

[6]湖南省科学技术厅,青年科技人才项目, 2022RC1143,湖南省科技创新计划项目, 2022-2025.


[1] Wang Chunhua; Yao Hongxin; Fang Kai; Yang Ting; Shen Xi; Du Yalin; Hao Ning; Cao Jiajian; Wu Tao*; CsMYB36-mediated ROS homeostasis modulates the switch from cell division to differentiation in cucumber glandular trichome. Plant Journal, 2025, 121(4):e70032.DOI: 10.1111/tpj.70032.

[2] Wang Chunhu#a; Li Jie#; Fang Kai; Yao Hongxin; Chai Xingwen;Du Yalin; Wang Junwei; Hao Ning; Cao Jiajian; Li Baohai; Wu Tao*;CsHLS1-CsSCL28 module regulates compact plant architecture in cucumber.Plant Biotechnology Journal,2024,22(6),1724-1739.

[3] Wang Chunhua#; Yao Hongxin#; Wang Chen; Gao Luyao; ChaiXingwen; Fang Kai; Du Yalin; Hao Ning; Cao Jiajian; Wu Tao*;Transcription factor CsMYB36 regulates fruit neck lengthvia mediating cell expansion in cucumber.Plant physiology,2024,195(2),958-969

[4] Shen Xi#, Yang Ting, Du Yalin, Hao Ning, Cao Jiajian, Wu Tao*,Wang Chunhua*. Research on the function of CsMYB36 based on an effective hair root transformation system. Plant Signal Behav. 2024 Dec 31;19(1):2345983. 

[5] WangChunhua#, Xi Shen#, Ting Yang, Hongxin Yao, Xun Peng, Cheng Xiong, Hagai Cohen, Ning Hao, Jiajian Cao and Tao Wu*. Genome-wide characterization and identification of root development or stress-related CsMYB36 genes. Vegetable Research. 2023.3:19 doi: 10.48130/VR-2023-0019.

[6] Wang Chunhua#; Li Meng#; Zhao Yang#; Liang Nengsong; Li Haiyang; Li Pengxue; Yang Liling; Xu Meizhi; Bian Xinxin; Wang Mengxue; Wu Shasha; Niu Xufang; Wang Mengyao; Li Xinxin, Sang Yi, Dong Wwentao, Wang Ertao, Gallagher Kimberly L; Wu Shuang. SHORT-ROOT paralogs mediate feedforward regulation of D-type cyclin to promote nodule formation in soybean. PNAS. 2022, 18;119(3):e2108641119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2108641119.

[7] XuHuimin#, WangChunhua#, ShaoGuirong#,WuShashaet al., The reference genome and full-length transcriptome of pakchoi provide insights into the cuticle formation and heat adaption. Horticulture Research. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac123.

[8] XuHuimin#, LiuPeng#,WangChunhua#,Wu Shasha, et al. Transcriptional networks regulating suberin and lignin biosynthesis link development and ABA response in root endodermis. Plant Physiology.2022.28;190(2):1165-1181. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiac298. 

[9] LiMeng#, LiPengxue#,WangChunhua#, XuHuimin, Wang Mengxue,etal. Brassinosteroid signaling restricts root lignification by antagonizing SHORT-ROOT function inArabidopsis. function in Arabidopsis. PlantPhysiology. 2022Sep 28;190(2):1182-1198.

[10] Wang Chunhua#, Wang Hong#, Li Pengxue#, Li Haiyang, Xu Chunmiao, Cohen Hagai, Aharoni Asaph, Wu Shuang. Developmental programs interact with abscisic acid to coordinate root suberization in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 2020, 104(1):241-251. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14920.

[11] LiShengnan#,WangChunhua#, ZhouXiuyan , LiuDong, LiuChunhong , LuanJie, QinZhiwei, XinMing*. The curvature of cucumber fruit isassociated with spatial variation in auxinaccumulation and expression of a YUCCA biosynthetic gene. Horticulture Research.2020.Sep1;7:135.

[12] WangChunhua, Ming Xin, Xiuyan Zhou, Weifeng Liu, Dong Liu, Zhiwei   Qin*. Transcriptome profiling reveals candidate genes associated with sex differentiation induced by night temperature in cucumber. Scientia   Horticulturae. 2018. 232, 162-169.

[13] WangChunhua, XinMing, ZhouXiuyan,Liu Chunhong,LiShengnan, LiuDong, XuYuan, QinZhiwei*.The novel ethylene-responsive factor CsERF025 affects the development of fruit bending in cucumber. Plant MolecularBiology, 2017. Nov; 95(4-5):519-531.


